Monday 21 December 2015

Top Ten Tips for Removing Invisalign Braces

Invisalign braces
Removing the Invisalign braces is indeed a difficult job. It leads to chipped nails and bruised thumbs, if you do not know how to make it easy. For the first few days of wearing these Invisalign braces can be really troublesome, but if you follow these simple and easy tips, it will be quite easy for you.
  1. Keep your mouth warm:

    After a very cold or chilled drink, the Invisalign braces tend to become less pliable. It is always useful that you keep your mouth warm. Having a hot or warm drink makes removing Invisalign braces easy for you. Also, try to keep your hands dry, when putting in the mouth. Opening the mouth a few seconds before taking the braces off, is a good idea as it lets the braces to become dry.
  2. Try surgical gloves:

    Surgical gloves can increase the grip on your teeth and braces. These are unlike the usual gloves that you use in household gloves. These are much thinner that let you feel what you are touching, but have a great grip.
  3. Use paper towel for grip:

    Many Invisalign users say that using kitchen towel or paper towel increases the grip. Grip can make a he difference, when removing the braces.
  4. Start from the back:

    It is very important that you start removing the aligners or braces from the back. Lift or pull the braces off the molars at first and the gradually come towards the front. There are sections in every tooth setting in which there will some wonkier tooth. Pull the easy bits first and then go to the difficult sections.

  5. Use an aligner hook:

    If you are lucky, your dentist would give these hooks to you for free. Otherwise, you can buy these hooks online from a good ecommerce site. It is basically a crochet hook that can make it easy for you to remove the braces.
  6. Wait:

    It is indeed a true fact that with every hour, the aligners would become a bit easier to remove. Hence, if you want to remove the aligners immediately after wearing them for the first time in your Invisalign treatment, you must wait as long as you can, so that it becomes easy on your teeth.
  7. Use tweezers:

    Although it is not at all a good idea or a recommended or approved tip for removing the aligners, but many Invisalign braces users have found this easy to use the tweezers to pull the braces out. But this may cause damage to your expensive aligners.
  8. Wear the aligners at night:

    As you wear the aligners at night, you will straight away go to sleep and give it enough time to shift the teeth during the night and make it easy on your teeth to remove them in the morning.
  9. Relax:

    Although the users often find relaxing the last thing on their list to do, when they have to remove them, panicking would worsen the condition. Relaxing and trying to remove them after a few minutes, is of great help.

  10. Use attachments:

    Ask your dentist to give you attachments that are templates like the aligners. As you wear-them for a few days or weeks before having the braces or actual aligners on, it will be helpful for you to learn how to remove them.
Location: London, UK


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