Thursday 17 December 2015

2 Steps to Follow After Completion of Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign braces have become extremely popular these days. However, it requires dedication to wear it constantly to get the best results. But, what is even more important is to make sure that you follow the after treatment measures and procedures. This will ensure that the teeth do not shift out of place and that your smile is not disturbed, wasting the hard work.

Steps to Follow after Completion of Invisalign Treatment
  1. Wear the retainer:

    Once you stop wearing the Invisalign braces, it is a must that you wear the retainers on your teeth on every night to follow proper Invisalign after treatment. This is because the teeth can and do shift to their original position, if they are not held to their new position. The retainers can retain the teeth in this new position.

    Not wearing the retainers is a common mistake that most people make. This leads them to wear the Invisalign braces again. In order to eliminate the waste of time and to make sure that you do not have to repeat wearing the braces, you must wear the retainers as soon as you get them from your dentist.

    These retainers are quite similar in appearance to the Invisalign braces. They are not at all invasive for your mouth. The only difference is that you need to wear them only during the night. Retainers do more than just retain your teeth in place. They can protect them from wearing due to bad oral habits such as night-time teeth grinding. Since, they themselves are made up of plastic, the retainers can get damaged. You will be given a new set of retainers in every 9 to 12 months.

    However, when you wear the retainers, make sure that you clean them thoroughly every day. Along with brushing your teeth, you need to scrub your retainers with soapy water and toothbrush, but never with toothpaste. You can also use a retainer cleaning tablet that will eliminate the need to do anything by yourself.

  2. Regular dental checkups:

    After you have done the invisalign treatment, you must regularly visit the dentists for checkups. The dentist will check if your teeth are getting crowded or shifting. He will check your bite and understand how it feels. The stability of the bite and how they clamp together will be checked by the dentist.

    If the bite is not stable or as it should be, the dentist would check if the retainer has been damaged. Occasionally, a polishing and reshaping of the teeth is required. If any damage of the retainers is determined, the dentist would offer a new set of retainers. However, you must make sure that you wear the retainers every night and ensure that you visit a dentist to have your teeth checked. With regular check-ups, your teeth will be able to retain their new position and they will not go back to the previous position. But, you must also keep the retainers clean, so that they perform better. Visit with a local Invisalign provider near you.

Location: London, UK


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