Friday 4 November 2016

Retainers – A Compulsion to Preserve a Beautiful Smile after Braces

People think that getting braces is enough for retaining their smile with teeth straightening. Yes, braces are important for achieving a beautiful and straighter smile, but maintaining that perfect smile is equally important. How can you maintain straight and aligned teeth? Well, for this you need to wear retainers. Almost all the orthodontists in London suggest wearing retainers after an orthodontic treatment. Retainers are not just an option for the patients but a requirement that needs proper attention. Go through this blog to know about them in more detail.    

Need for retainers

Before fixing on the braces, an orthodontist closely examines your jaws and teeth to plan a suitable treatment. It is not an easy task to move your teeth as they are firmly fixed to the jaw bone. Various teeth straightening appliances are used in order to initiate teeth movement. They generate changes in the jaw and ligaments to make the movement easy and comfortable. Your safety and security is placed at the top and the teeth are gradually moved to the right position.

Now your teeth are perfectly aligned rendering you the desired smile. But, remember, they have not yet attained proper stability. The ligaments and bone need support to keep them firm and tight. Retainers are the support system for your newly straightened teeth. The retainers for invisible braces help preserve the amazing outcome achieved from the orthodontic treatment. It is very important to wear this device, as if ignored, your teeth might shift back to their previous position.  

Different types of retainers

Like orthodontic treatments, retainers also vary in their types. Your dentist will suggest you with the most suitable type of retainer to maintain stability of the newly aligned teeth. Basically there are two main types of orthodontic retainers available, such as:
  • Fixed retainer – You cannot remove these kinds of retainers as your dentist fits them at the back of your teeth. They hold the properly aligned teeth in place without even being noticed.
  • Removable retainer – These have thin wires that are fitted around the front of your teeth. These wires are further attached with the plastic material that is settled behind the mouth root. It holds the retainer in place, ultimately holding the teeth to their new position. When you are on these kinds of retainers, it is a must to wear them as per the dentist’s instructions. 

Useful Tips for Retainers

It is obvious that it takes time to adjust with new things, likewise, when you wear retainers after braces, you might take some time to adjust with the new thing in your mouth. However, you need to take proper care of this supporting system as you did when on braces. Listen to what your orthodontist instructs and do not forget to know about the cost of retainers beforehand. Clean, wear and store your retainers as per the dentist’s advice. Do not forget to clean your retainers with a toothbrush using toothpaste, when you take them off.
Wearing retainers after braces is as important as straightening your teeth with invisalign braces. It helps you preserve a perfect and impressive smile forever.
Location: 22 Camden High St, Kings Cross, London NW1 0JH, UK


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