Friday 4 November 2016

Retainers – A Compulsion to Preserve a Beautiful Smile after Braces

People think that getting braces is enough for retaining their smile with teeth straightening. Yes, braces are important for achieving a beautiful and straighter smile, but maintaining that perfect smile is equally important. How can you maintain straight and aligned teeth? Well, for this you need to wear retainers. Almost all the orthodontists in London suggest wearing retainers after an orthodontic treatment. Retainers are not just an option for the patients but a requirement that needs proper attention. Go through this blog to know about them in more detail.    

Need for retainers

Before fixing on the braces, an orthodontist closely examines your jaws and teeth to plan a suitable treatment. It is not an easy task to move your teeth as they are firmly fixed to the jaw bone. Various teeth straightening appliances are used in order to initiate teeth movement. They generate changes in the jaw and ligaments to make the movement easy and comfortable. Your safety and security is placed at the top and the teeth are gradually moved to the right position.

Now your teeth are perfectly aligned rendering you the desired smile. But, remember, they have not yet attained proper stability. The ligaments and bone need support to keep them firm and tight. Retainers are the support system for your newly straightened teeth. The retainers for invisible braces help preserve the amazing outcome achieved from the orthodontic treatment. It is very important to wear this device, as if ignored, your teeth might shift back to their previous position.  

Different types of retainers

Like orthodontic treatments, retainers also vary in their types. Your dentist will suggest you with the most suitable type of retainer to maintain stability of the newly aligned teeth. Basically there are two main types of orthodontic retainers available, such as:
  • Fixed retainer – You cannot remove these kinds of retainers as your dentist fits them at the back of your teeth. They hold the properly aligned teeth in place without even being noticed.
  • Removable retainer – These have thin wires that are fitted around the front of your teeth. These wires are further attached with the plastic material that is settled behind the mouth root. It holds the retainer in place, ultimately holding the teeth to their new position. When you are on these kinds of retainers, it is a must to wear them as per the dentist’s instructions. 

Useful Tips for Retainers

It is obvious that it takes time to adjust with new things, likewise, when you wear retainers after braces, you might take some time to adjust with the new thing in your mouth. However, you need to take proper care of this supporting system as you did when on braces. Listen to what your orthodontist instructs and do not forget to know about the cost of retainers beforehand. Clean, wear and store your retainers as per the dentist’s advice. Do not forget to clean your retainers with a toothbrush using toothpaste, when you take them off.
Wearing retainers after braces is as important as straightening your teeth with invisalign braces. It helps you preserve a perfect and impressive smile forever.

Friday 19 August 2016

Tips to Make the Most Out of Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign is a great choice for people who prefer not to go with the traditional metal brackets and wire braces. Slipping on Invisalign solutions is convenient. Patients can also easily take it out whenever required. This convenience for users is absent in traditional braces. Thus, Invisalign solutions are fast turning into a craze. Interestingly, one can make the most out of Invisalign treatment, provided one stick to a few easy tips. Read on to know more about these helpful tips.

Tips to help you get the most out of Invisalign treatment:

Make flossing a regular activity

flossing teeth

Just like you brush every day, start flossing your teeth on regular basis specially when you are using Invisalign solutions. Cleaning the areas in between your teeth with floss everyday does not allow the aligners hold back any food particle. Thus, the chances of tooth decay are automatically decreased.

Crucial first 48-hour

invisalign first 48 hours are crucial

Orthodontics, usually, provide sufficient tips to patients for the Invisalign braces. Still it is important to mention here that the first 48 hours are crucial. Wear the aligner trays as much as possible during this period. Just take out the trays each time you brush and floss and immediately wear them back.

Keep wearing the trays for at least 22 hours every day

Keep wearing the trays for at least 22

Remember, Invisalign works only when you wear it continuously for almost throughout the day. If you are not wearing it for at least 22 hours on regular basis, then you better should not expect fast and exciting results from it.

Ignore the initial uneasiness

Ignore the initial uneasiness

During the first couple of days, you will feel the aligners pushing against your teeth. Actually, this is not a painful experience, there is just uneasiness. Gradually, as you keep wearing them, the uneasy sensation will wear out. Finally, within a few days your teeth will get used to the braces and you will not feel any discomfort.

Difficulty in talking

Difficulty in talking

The first time you wear the Invisalign aligner, you will invariably experience difficulty in talking. Just ignore the difficulty and keep talking with the tray set at its place. The problem will get sorted out on its own very quickly.

Take proper care of the aligners

Take proper care of the aligners

Clean your Invisalign tray on routine basis. Use warm water and antibacterial soap for the purpose. It is better not to clean the trays with toothpaste. Be careful that you do not scratch its plastic body.

Stick to diets that orthodontist prescribes

diets that orthodontist prescribes

Increase your water intake from the day you slip on your first pair of Invisalign braces. It will help you to keep your mouth moist. Dentists usually mention the kind of food one should not have with the aligners on. It is necessary to follow their instruction for faster result.

Replace the aligners on time

Replace the aligners on time

First, you need to contact a trusted Invisalign provider in London. Second, just depend on your orthodontist regarding changing and replacing the braces. If your dentist tells you to keep using one a few  more days, just hang on to his advice. Similarly, if he says to replace it immediately, just act accordingly. 

Remember, Invisalign is an effective and convenient solution as compared to the traditional wires and metallic braces. It provides much better result within very short time periods. Just follow the tips provided above to make the most out of this innovative orthodontic treatment solution.

Thursday 30 June 2016

Discover the New Addition of Invisalign Family - Invisalign Lite and Invisalign i7

Invisalign Lite and Invisalign i7

Invisalign is an interestingly imaginative and cutting edge way to deal with fixing teeth. A uniquely designed arrangement of aligners made of smooth, clear plastic, it's an orthodontic gadget used to modify teeth and is a contrasting option to conventional metal props. Its "imperceptible" quality is particularly intended for those with minor orthodontic issues and needs a watchful method for experiencing orthodontic treatment. What makes it emerge from other orthodontic strategies beside its undetectable quality is the utilization of Clincheck PC programming. This is the thing that makes through computerized model of your teeth and a 3D treatment arrangement which permits your dental practitioner to explore your teeth more adequately and guide out the most ideal treatment for you. You can get a free consultation from a clinic that offers Invisalign.

About Invisalign i7

The computerized demonstrate additionally demonstrates all the arrangement of developments the teeth may experience before it at last achieves its last, adjust position. The Invisalign scope of aligners is produced by Align Technology. There are at present two new increases to the Invisalign family: Invisalign Lite and Invisalign i7. It is the most recent expansion to be invited into the Invisalign scope of aligners. Likewise called Invisalign for youngsters, it is planned fundamentally for minor tooth revision and development especially for youthful grown-ups. It gives a simple and advantageous arrangement, with results accomplished in only at least three months. Like other Invisalign items, Invisalign is an all the more tastefully satisfying contrasting option to customary metal props since it's made of clear, delicate, and flexible material, so you can streak your most extensive grin without stressing what it would appear that you know the difference between invisalign lite and invisalign i7.

Things to Know about Invisalign i7

Invisaligni7 can treat slight congestion teeth and warped teeth, particularly the front teeth. It rectifies teeth by applying weight on particular teeth at changed times. Aligners are uniquely crafted to fit into your teeth and are worn two weeks on end. Your dental practitioner will be the one to give you the following arrangement of aligners and as you supplant them, your teeth will move little by minimal once more into its right position. Invisalign i7 is the most effortless choice accessible for minor adjustment. There are at present two new increases to the Invisalign family: Invisalign Lite and Invisalign i7. It is the most recent expansion to be invited into the Invisalign scope of aligners.

Things to know about Invisalign Lite

Invisalign Lite is touted as the "express" form of the first, full Invisalign treatment. It's a simple, snappy, and in genius answer for right orthodontic issues. Treatment ordinarily takes under six months, and you'll be wearing an aggregate of 14 aligners. Invisalign Lite can treat overcrowding of teeth, orthodontic issues that require negligible development, and insignificant to no pivot of teeth. It is suggested for the individuals who have had experience wearing conventional supports in the past yet have not yet utilized retainers to keep up the revised position of their teeth.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Invisalign Offers the Straight and Stunning Smile

Invisalign orthodontist in LondonNow is the time when people can get a straight and stunning smile without putting in any awkward, uncomfortable fixed braces.  Now you have the avant-garde invisalign treatment in London. These clear braces help people to straighten their teeth more secretly and successfully.

Latest Orthodontics Treatment

Some of the clinics in London offer the latest orthodontics treatment procedures that provide an amazing result to the patients. But every treatment procedure is intended to cure some particular problem in particular dental or oral condition. So, you need to know if you can get back your bright smile or can get your hazardous tooth set in arranged way!

How invisalign for you?

This is a good side of invisalign that it can treat a several number of orthodontic problems.  You can release your smile with invisalign as these braces are made to order with clear aligners. These clear aligners let you smile in public with confidence and stay almost invisible on your denture. But before you go for any orthodontic treatment, you need to consult with an Invisalign dentist or orthodontist earlier. Only a professional orthodontist can recommend you the proper treatment. Here at these clinic patients are offered with advanced treatment planning to make the patients achieve the very best results the latest treatment including invisalign.

How it works?

Invisalign braces are custom-made clear aligners and made after you place in your orthodontics treatment plan with a qualified Invisalign provider in London. You need to wear the aligners for approximately 20-22 hours a day. You can remove them while eating, brushing and flossing. Invisalign braces offer the patients an overall good and hygienic oral health, improved bite and most importantly a permanent improved teeth alignment. You need to replace your aligners every two weeks so as to move your teeth towards the right direction steadily and painlessly.

Friday 1 April 2016

The Right Invisalign Braces for Getting a Confident Smile

Invisalign Braces
While your smile is window of your face and smile boosts up your level of confident, you should not take care of your smile as well as your oral health in proper way. There are a very few numbers of people who visit regularly in dental clinics and enjoy problem free oral health. If you are one of those who are suffering from crooked or overbite or under bites or uneven spacing then you should consult with an orthodontist rather to hiding yourself from crowd. An orthodontist can help you in finding better solution to bring back your teeth in shape with modern art of orthodontistry. 

Invisalign in Place of Conventional Braces

Nowadays, people are very conscious about their appearance and why should you not. If you think that taking a brace can put you in shame then you are totally wrong. If you have been suffering from long time due to your misaligned teeth or crowded teeth then you can ask your orthodontist for Invisalign braces. With new innovation in orthodontistry a new range of Invisalign braces have taken the place of conventional braces. Only an orthodontist can say you which Invisalign brace is appropriate for you. the different Invisalign braces are,

  • Invisalign Full (For all patients)
  • Invisalign Teen (Specially designed for teen)
  • Invisalign i7 (for mild cases)
  • Invisalign Lite (for complex cases)

Benefits of Invisalign Braces

Whether you are an adult or you are aged Invisalign treatment can serve your need and you can get better shaped teeth than that you already have. Invisalign is an innovative orthodontist approach as well as efficient procedure to shaping your crooked or overbites teeth at better price. There are lots of benefits in undergoing Invisalign treatment to shaping your displaced or crowding or gapping or unevenly spaced teeth. Let us put a glance at the advantage of taking Invisalign braces.
  • It can provide you better shape without any pain or irritation.
  • It will be remain invisible and your braces will not be noticed by others.
  • It is a long lasting solution for your unevenly gapped or spaced or crowded or shifted teeth.
  • It is comfortable to wear and you can carry it on during your day to day working.
  • You can enjoy your food without any headache and you can regularly brush as well as clean your teeth.
  • Invisalign brace is removable.
You can visit any of the dental clinics near your home or you can find specialist orthodontists through an Invisalign dentist portal. Invisalign treatment will not put you in any kind of embarrassment in front of outsider. You can carry on your treatment without being noticed by others and within short period of time you can acquire better smile with beautiful looking teeth.

Wednesday 24 February 2016

11 Important Things to Know before You Get Invisalign

Invisalign Treatment

Hope you have already seen most of the celebrities look beautiful and confident when they open their mouth with full of perfectly straight and shiny teeth. You might feel very depressed and dissatisfied of your teeth and sometimes little upset when you see in the mirror your crooked and dull look teeth. The majority of people these days are dissatisfied every after taking the brace, they feel dull and flaw after bracing. Many of them also undergo for second time bracing as per their orthodontists to complete the correction but hardly a few got expected results.

Important Things You Should Know Prior to Invisalign

Moreover, when you visit a reliable orthodontist he or she can ask to you go for Invisalign which is one of the most trusted as well as powerful treatment that has more chance to give a person better teeth without any surgery. Let us see some essential things that you should know before you go for Invisalign.
  • Better Attachments Better Expectation – The latest Invisalign process is nothing but a better attachment or enamel made with colored ridges that help you stick on to the teeth, for instance braces brackets. This thing helps you to move the teeth more efficiently and effectively.
  • Normally it takes 22 Hours – If you have a party after a few days and you want to show our beautiful tooth that expresses your confidence to your people then it is for you no doubt, it takes not more than 22 hours to fit on to your mouth properly.
  • It can lose weight – It is quite ambitious, this type of aligner is very powerful and super-tight to remove3 whether your teeth are sore.
  • Say good bye your kissing lipstick – Your time is over, now you do not need to convert your look with highly colored glossy lipstick, because your teeth is now there which you are looking for.
  • No Manicures – Normally aligners are not possible to remove if you do not push your nails, so here with Invisalign you do not need any manicures.
  • No irritating Braces – You do not need to paste any plastic on your mouth, no uncomfortability and feel you will have. Because this type of Invisalign is absolutely irritating free braces that have been discover after a long time.
  • Brush your teeth – with this treatment you can easily brush your teeth anytime you need, may be you need to or like to brush 2 or more than 2 times a day that you can easily do without any hindrance.
  • Attachment is very easy – You might think this treatment can be very difficult if it gives your better freedom of having shiny and strong teeth, but the real fact is that the attachment is very easy.
  • Not to worry about cold water – Most of the people use cold water after taking braces but if you take this Invisalign you do not need to worry washing your teeth with cold or hot water or anything.
  • Option of whitening – While brushing your teeth one or two times a day is good, but also removes the essential enamel, but with an Invisalign dentist you do not need to worry about whitening.
  • You should follow a Refine time – You need to take more than 30 trays before you look beautiful and people say oh your teeth and smile is just beautiful.
It is proven that Invisalign treatment is one of the most trusted, powerful and effective treatment that most of the people these days are going for and these things to know before Invisalign can be your great tips for all time.

We are one of the top providers of Invisalign in area of London, UK. You can book your appointment now and more details for us.

Thursday 28 January 2016

5 Major Advantages of Invisaligns over Traditional Braces

Advantages of Invisaligns over Traditional Braces
Screwy or misaligned teeth not just look unattractive; they can likewise make cleaning the teeth troublesome. Teeth that can't be appropriately cleaned can inevitably contract a periodontal illness. This dangers gum and bone harm, and also tooth misfortune.

Wearing teeth supports is an approach to appropriately adjust the teeth. In any case, traditional supports are not exactly alluring, firmly uncomfortable, and can be agonizing to wear. Invisalign vs traditional braces can be particularly humiliated to wear them. Invisalign clear supports are an awesome option. Here are five reasons why one may wish to pick Invisalign invisible braces over routine metal supports:

1. Appearance

Invisalign Clear Braces Look Better
Metal supports can bring about the presence of the mouth to be ugly, as if it is loaded with cumbersome pieces of unattractive metal. They are observable, particularly on a grown-up, and can get sustenance got in them without the wearer notwithstanding monitoring it. Invisalign clear props are scarcely discernible. As per local Invisalign dentist in London, they look all that much just as the individual wearing them is not wearing props by any stretch of the imagination. They are distinctly more alluring than metal supports.

2. Solace

Clear Braces Can Be Removed When Necessary

When one of our trusted dentist connects metal supports to somebody's teeth, the props must stay set up until they are professionally uprooted. Invisalign clear props are removable. On the off chance that, for any reason, the wearer of teeth aligner’s wishes to evacuate those for short-termduration (avoiding eating or drinking), he or she might successfully do the needful.

3. Wellbeing

Invisalign Clear Braces Reduce Damage to Teeth and Gums

Traditional metal props contain wire and projecting bits of metal that can cut and scratch the inner parts of the mouth and gums. Clear props are smooth and agreeable. They do exclude any sharp edges or projecting edges or bits. Routine metal props can influence demineralization and rotting teeth. They utilize a lot of power to fix the teeth. These issues don't exist with clear aligners. Generally speaking, clear supports decrease the harm ordinarily brought about by wearing props, including gum illness and cavities.

4. Length of time of Treatment

Teeth are aligned faster by Invisalign Clear Braces. One who wears metal supports may anticipate that the treatment will take the length of 5 years. Invisalign braces can take from the standout year for eighteen months to work its enchantment and rectify your teeth.

5. Comprehending What to Expect

In considering Invisalign, dental patients experience treatment arranging that is completely mechanized. Along these lines, they know precisely what's in store and to what extent they will require the supports before they start wearing them. Metal supports can be an experimentation circumstance that gives no unmistakable thought of what is to come.

Generally, Invisalign offers particular points of interest over traditional metal supports. It costs somewhat all the more, however at last, is definitely justified even despite the cost. They are more agreeable than metal supports, posture less dangers to teeth and gums, and give wonderful grins much quicker.